Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sgrouples launches MeWe—world’s private communication network

MOUNTAIN VIEW, USA: Online privacy company, Sgrouples Inc., announced the launch of the world’s private communication network, MeWe.

MeWe delivers breakthrough performance and cutting-edge features that advance social sharing, cloud storage, and both individual and group communication—within a simple-to-use, powerfully private platform. Built on safety, trust, and respect, MeWe provides an online environment for people to be authentic and uncensored, the way they are in their real lives. MeWe members gain peace of mind knowing that how they share their lives online stays private and in their total control.

MeWe is the brainchild of leading online privacy advocate and social media founder Mark Weinstein, and the platform comes with the full backing and support of major technology innovators such as Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web and a member of the MeWe Advisory Board.

“MeWe represents the next generation in communication technology,” says Weinstein. “We provide a safe and private platform where people can easily connect, freely share their everyday lives, and have fun being themselves.”

“We’ve been designing, engineering, and refining MeWe for more than three years while in stealth mode, under the Sgrouples banner. MeWe is the culmination of those determined efforts to engineer an advanced new communication network people love and trust.”

Social network users around the world have become disenchanted with Facebook’s abuse of user rights. Rather than focus on marrying amazing technology with privacy protection, Facebook focuses on profiting off of its customer base selling ads and personal data.

“An unprecedented 99 percent of Americans are concerned about their privacy today. If you look at the amount of data that Facebook has on its active users, it’s more than the CIA has on you,” says Weinstein. “Even worse, the company can basically do whatever it wants with your personal information without telling you.”

MeWe, in contrast, builds privacy by design into its service.

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